Laboratory of Landscapes, Heritage and Territory (Lab2PT) is a Research and Development (R&D) unit of the School of Architecture, Art and Design and the Institute of Social Sciences of UMinho, created to promote collaboration between researchers from different scientific areas such as Archaeology, Architecture and Urbanism, Design, Engineering, Geography, Geology, History and Psychology, integrated in different Departments of Schools / Institutes of UMinho. Lab2PT converges to the common interest of studying the territory, its landscapes and heritage, vital for the general development.
Lab2PT develops fundamental and applied research according to the following thematic axes, inherently transversal to the research groups and aim to contribute:
i) for urban study and renewal;
ii) to create new dynamics on cultural landscapes and heritage;
iii) for differentiation, competitiveness and wealth creation locally and regionally;
iv) to carry out activities for the dissemination of knowledge, thus contributing to the development of the national scientific and technological system.
Maria de Fátima Ferreira
Institute of Social Sciences (ICS)
Assistant Director
João Cabeleira
School of Architecture, Art and Design (EAAD)
Sandra Barbosa
t 253 510 526
University of Minho
School of Architecture, Art and Design
Campus de Azurém
4800–058 Guimarães
Carla Xavier
t 253 601 756
University of Minho
Institute of Social Sciences
Campus de Gualtar
4710–057 Braga