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​​The Master in Product and Service Design promotes an alternative and complementary postgraduate education centred on Design. It offers an innovative proposal allowing the assimilation of Design as a strategic tool in the universe of companies and institutions. It promotes innovation as a sustainable methodology and refocus the role of the designer in the global strategy of research and development. Its scientific framework involves the 'experience with the product', thus approaching product and user based on the mapping of their needs and desires, and also 'design services'.

​​This stud​​y plan arises from the interdisciplinary relation of classical methodologies and tools of design, as well as design thinking, valuing the role of the designer as a strategic member in the construction of services responding to social innovations.​

​​To further detailed information on the Master in Product Design and Services (Admission,Academic Calendar, scheduling with theCourse Director, Rules and others) you should contactthe Secretary of the Pedagogical Council.

The Master in Product and Service Design takes place in building no.2 of UMinho's Campus de Couros, in ​Guimarães.

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